How Much Does it Cost to Set Up an LLC in Wyoming?
Setting up an LLC in Wyoming costs $100 for the filing fee and $3.75 for an online payment fee. Additional LLC costs include a registered agent service for $125 and an annual report fee that costs $60 minimum.
A Wyoming LLC cost is as follows:
- $100 state filing fee
- $3.75 online payment fee
- $125 Wyoming registered agent
$228.75 total filing cost.
We file LLCs for those who want an attorney to file and maintain their business entity. Our Wyoming LLC Registration includes a registered agent, BOI filing, and annual report filing.
This means your LLC is started correctly, quickly, and you have a professional attorney on hand should you have any problems.
For those who want business banking, our Complete LLC Package includes a separate Wyoming address with a lease and utility bill needed to open a bank account. It also includes attorney-client privileges, EIN filing, and a 1-hour legal consultation.
Wyoming LLC Cost Breakdown
Starting a Wyoming LLC involves filing the Article of Organization and assigning a registered agent. These form part of the Wyoming LLC requirements you should know.
The LLC fees apply equally to both resident and non-resident LLC formations, making Wyoming an attractive state for business registration due to its straightforward pricing structure.
Wyoming LLC Filing Fee ($100)
The state filing fee costs $100 for the Article of Organization with the Wyoming Secretary of State. This is the form that’s required to incorporate your business.
You’ll also need to pay a $3.75 online payment charge. We recommend filing online as Wyoming issues LLCs immediately. If you file via mail, you could be waiting 3-4 weeks to receive a copy of your Articles of Organization document.
Begin by completing a Wyoming business search to see if your LLC name is available.
Wyoming Registered Agent ($125)
A registered agent is required to set up an LLC in Wyoming. A registered agent is a person or service that receives important legal documents and official correspondence on behalf of your LLC.
The registered agent must have a physical presence in Wyoming and be available during business hours. Most people setting up an LLC in Wyoming won’t have a physical presence so they must use a registered agent service.
We provide a Wyoming Registered Agent Service for $125 managed by an attorney. This includes professional support and expertise in handling your business documents throughout the year.
Choose your registered agent wisely as they are an important part of your company.
How Much Does a Wyoming Annual Report Cost?
Filing your Wyoming annual report comes with a minimum state fee of $60, which is due on the first day of your company’s anniversary month each year.
For example, if you formed your LLC on May 15, you’ll need to submit your annual report by May 1 of each subsequent year. Missing the deadline can result in late fees or even the dissolution of your LLC.
The annual report license tax is calculated in one of two ways: you’ll pay either $60 or two-tenths of one mill on the dollar ($.0002) of your company’s Wyoming-based assets, whichever is greater.
The $60 minimum fee typically applies for most since you’re unlikely to have significant physical assets in Wyoming. The higher calculation only comes into play if you have more than $300,000 in assets located within the state.
The report is the only Wyoming LLC annual fee from the Secretary of State. This makes it easier to maintain an LLC in Wyoming than many other states.
Does a Wyoming LLC Have a Franchise Tax?
Wyoming doesn’t impose a franchise tax. You won’t need to worry about this additional expense that many other states require businesses to pay simply for the privilege of doing business in their jurisdiction. In Delaware, LLCs are required to pay a $300 franchise tax annually, for example.
How Much Does an EIN Cost?
Getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your Wyoming LLC is completely free when you apply directly through the IRS website.
You can obtain your EIN instantly if you have an SSN and complete the online application with the IRS. For non-residents who don’t have an SSN, they will need to mail or fax Form SS-4 to the IRS. Mail and fax applications can take up to four weeks to return so we recommend filing for an EIN upon setting up your Wyoming LLC.
These types of forms can be confusing and time-consuming to fill out. Many entrepreneurs choose to have a service do it for them. We file your EIN as part of our Complete Formation Package; saving you time and giving you peace of mind that it’s done correctly.
How Much Does a Wyoming Operating Agreement Cost?
The cost of a Wyoming operating agreement ranges from $0 to several hundred dollars, depending on how you choose to create it. While Wyoming doesn’t legally require an operating agreement for your LLC, it’s a smart business practice that helps establish your company’s ownership structure and management procedures.
You’ve got several options for creating your operating agreement. If you’re forming a simple LLC with straightforward ownership and management structures, you could use free templates available online.
This no-cost approach works well for basic business setups. However, if your LLC involves multiple members, complex profit-sharing arrangements, or specific management requirements, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of professional assistance.
When you need legal expertise, hiring an attorney to draft your operating agreement can cost several hundred dollars. While this represents a significant investment, it can provide peace of mind and help prevent future disputes.
At Start in Wyoming, all single-member LLCs receive an operating agreement as part of their formation. This takes the leg work and worry out of having to do your own. If you require an attorney to draft a more complex operating agreement, let us know.
Want an Attorney to Form Your LLC?
When you work with Start in Wyoming, you’ll receive extensive assistance that guarantees your LLC is properly established and maintained according to state requirements.
As part of our Simple Wyoming LLC Formation, our attorney will handle all essential aspects of formation, including registered agent service, annual filing requirements, and BOI report filing.
For those that want a done-for-you service, our Complete Package includes attorney-client privilege, a Wyoming address and utility bill for opening a business bank account, EIN filing, and a 1-hour legal consultation.
If have any questions, reach out to our team and we’d be happy to help.